Tuesday 16 January 2018

Umunyinya asbl: Best wishes 2018

The Legal Representative introducing the day . Image: Jonathan

Sunday 14th January 2018, all Umunyinya asbl members celebrated the New Year. Jogging, suimming, eating and drinking... Wondeful moments and wonderful talks characterized the day. 

 To say good bye to 2017. To start a new year with joy. To share the 2017 achievements and the 2018 program. These were the main reasons for all Umunyinya asbl members to meet, first at Saga Plage and at Top Bamboo in the afternoon. Best wishes, dances, songs and overwhelming speeches echoed in the place for around three hours. From 3pm to 6 pm.
The legal representative took the floor after the eloquent and funny French speaking master of ceremonies. She welcomed the guests and introduced the day. The two chiefs of the department: arts department and psychology department made their presentations describing what they really do in their departments.
The Programs manager followed with 2017 achievements. His clear and breath-cutting slides embellished by pictures taken all along the year testified that the year has been much productive.
“It was a long and short year at the same time. We had a long and tiresome program”, he said in the introduction of his presentation. Workshops (internal and external), Festivals, and humanitarian projects characterized the past year. The outstanding project, among others, was Ngira nkabandi. A project to provide hope to street children through art. This project will continue even in 2018. 
Pr Protais Nteziriba appreciating the annual activities of Umunyinya asbl

The speechs by the guests were introduced by the touching remark by the association’s godfather, Pr Protais Nteziriba. “I am extremely happy to be among genius, calling me their parent.” Said Nteziriba before suggesting the appointment of Ms Jodi Mikalachki as the godmother of the Association, to make the parenting complete. Jodi will not refuse it.  In her speech,introduced in Kirundi, she encouraged the team and wished it to go forward.
Mr Alexis Niyibigira representing the main partner NGO, THARS (Trauma Healing and Reconciliation Services), insisted on the fact that Umunyinya asbl is made of serious, cooperative, and hardworking young people. He also congratulated the members on their choice of not being “job-beggars” by creating their own and great job.
Much emotive were the remarks by Wushu Burundi Federation and Green Land Alliance envoys. The first promised to keep working with the great team (umunyinya) much more that before while the second regretted not seeing his NGO among Umunyinya asbl partners. 
Umunyinya members suimming
The day ended by the 2018 program presented by the National Coordinator. An extremely promising program mixing art and humanity serving. “It’s my pleasure to dream in front of you”, he said, laughing.  
Umunyinya asbl was created by young artists and psychologists for the sake of valuing art for humanity.  

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